New Scholarship for Michelle

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We are excited to announce that we are sending a one-time $500 grant to Michelle, a freshman with a full scholarship at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus in Kuala Lumpur. Michelle is majoring in International Communication Studies with Film and TV studies. She needed funds for living expenses and other miscellaneous costs. Michelle has a 3.8 GPA and is active in in serving the Pakistani refugee community in Malaysia.

Michelle was recommended to us by a former scholarship recipient, Azmina.

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I believe communication is an avenue that meets my need of expressing myself, being creative and constantly exploring new things. I am particularly interested in making a career in marketing communication as I have been involved in advertising my church events by designing posters, flyers, newsletters and other publications. Apart from this, I am also interested in public speaking as I like to do independent research on varied topics and then explain it to people. Moreover, I express myself through photography and my writings on social networks. It is something that I love to do and would like to pursue in life.



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