Recent News
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Funding Kaze’s Next Two Years of Studies
As of our December board meeting, WEI has approved funds to support Kaze return to school. She will be attending the University of Kigali starting March 21, 2020 to complete her Bachelor’s degree in Information and Technology. This is a two-year program.
Kaze Completes Internship
We received an update from Kaze— she just completed her summer internship at Rwanda Broadcasting Agency. Kaze is returning to school at Integrated Polytechnic Regional College in Kigali, Rwanda in the fall, and will be graduating in October of this year
New Scholarship in Rwanda for Kaze
We found Kaze through Nicole, one of my students at Allegheny College in PA. Nicole met Kaze during a study abroad program, and has set up a GoFundMe to help Kaze finish her studies. When the GoFundMe didn’t generate enough money to support the rest of her education, we decided to help fund the her continued studies at Integrated Polytechnic Regional College.