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New Scholarship in Rwanda for Kaze
We found Kaze through Nicole, one of my students at Allegheny College in PA. Nicole met Kaze during a study abroad program, and has set up a GoFundMe to help Kaze finish her studies. When the GoFundMe didn’t generate enough money to support the rest of her education, we decided to help fund the her continued studies at Integrated Polytechnic Regional College.
Happy International Women’s Day
Today, #InternationalWomensDay is a perfect day to support a young woman's scholarship. $5. $10. $100. $1,000. Each donation makes a significant difference when we pool our resources. We thank you for your support.
Kaze’s Connection
From Nicole Gross-Camp, Visitng Professor of Environmental Science and Sustainability, Alleghney College:
I have only met Kazeneza on a handful of occasions; I ‘know’ her best through her father and friend, Martin. In the many evenings we passed together in the park, our respect and affection for one another grew. Rwandans, as in many other cultures, put a lot of expectations on their children, especially their first born. Martin was no different expecting Kazeneza to accomplish great things. We began to support Kaze’s studies in high school and were thrilled to learn of her success in securing a place at University.
Update from Davidetta
I am very grateful for the help you people have provided for me during the last two semesters, the semesters was amazing and I had time to attend all of my classes, I wish I could volunteer with you guys during vacation to prove what I have learned and to help others.
Covering Ebola, Cheryl meets Sister Barbara
In the winter of 2014-2015, I traveled with a colleague, Brian Castner, to Liberia to cover the Ebola outbreak. During our coverage, Brian interviewed Sister Barbara Brillant, F.M.M., the dean of Mother Patern College of Health Sciences in Monrovia.
When Brian and I returned to the States following our coverage, I kept thinking about the dedicated Liberian medical professionals, teachers and the nuns who worked with such relentless courage and limited supplies to help those suffering and dying from Ebola.
New Scholarship for Michelle
We are sending a one-time $500 grant to Michelle, a freshman with a full scholarship at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus in Kuala Lumpur. Michelle is majoring in International Communication Studies with Film and TV studies.
New Scholarship in Liberia for Davidetta
We’re excited to start funding a new scholar in Monrovia, Liberia. Davidetta Forkpah was recommended to us by Sister Barbara Brillant, the president of Mother Patern College of Health Sciences. Davidetta has just completed her first year working towards a degree in social work.
Leah Starts her Master’s Degree
Leah has begun her Masters in Education at Southern Capital College in Oroquieta City, Philippines.